Welcome to your new home!
You've made it, congratulations! On behalf of the Mallorca Expats Network, welcome you to our home, we hope you have joined us on the Mallorca Expats Facebook group and to see you in person at our events.
Even though you have made the move to Mallorca, there may still be a few things to take care of before you call this Island your home. This section provides you with the relevant information to help establish yourself on the island, from obtaining residency, connecting to utilities and sorting out things like schooling for your children and owning a car.
If you plan on becoming a resident on the Island you will have to apply for your T.I.E residency card along with your N.I.E. We list out the steps and documentation you will require to apply for residency in Mallorca.
It's not glamorous, but it's essential. We can provide advice and support on everything from getting you connected to water and electricity, Accessing the right mobile or broadband packages and making sure you can see your favourite TV channels.
We give you the key information on the type of schools available on the island along with the pros and cons of each type. Whether you are thinking of an international or local school, make sure you read this first.
Whilst we take healthcare for granted, its always good to prepare for the worst. Here we talk about the importance of healthcare and health insurance on the Island.
Want to bring your car to the island? Not sure of the rules of the road? Confused about how to change your licence? Our guide to driving on the island can help you answer these questions.
Mallorca is a very International island with English and German spoken widely. However, to really make this beautiful Island your home, we recommend learning Spanish or even Mallorquin. Languages not only help you get by day-to-day, but you will truly understand the Island and its people.